Our Partnerships

ReFlow partners with key players in the international lifecycle, verification, and assurance community to enable trust in climate data. ReFlow partners include specialized verification & assurance firms, knowledge institutions, lifecycle data providers, and industry organizations.


QIMA has the quality and compliance experts for all consumer goods and food categories. With over 2,500 inspectors, auditors, and lab experts, we can help you assess and improve your product and supplier quality and safety performance. Access hundreds of off-the-shelf customizable inspection checklists online, receive expert advice on your product safety requirements, and improve supplier compliance at the source.


ecoinvent is an internationally active, mission-driven organization devoted to supporting high-quality, science-based environmental assessments. Its activities include publishing and maintaining the ecoinvent database, a comprehensive life cycle inventory database that provides reliable and transparent information on the environmental impacts of various products and services. It is used by companies, researchers, and policymakers to analyze the environmental impact of their operations, make informed decisions, and develop sustainable practices.

Danish Standards

Danish Standards is the national standardization organization in Denmark. We contribute to the work of the European organizations CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI, and the international standardization organizations ISO and IEC. Danish Standards chooses to implement most of the standards from these organizations in Denmark

Get in touch

Looking for more information? Contact us below

Our lifecycle-based environmental quantification system makes it easy to calculate, document, and share environmental performance data of products. We remove the complexity around LCA-based calculations and make it possible for users with just basic product knowledge to make advanced calculations.

ReFlow ApS

Amaliegade 14, st.
1256 København K
CVR: 39843870

Mail: info@re-flow.io
Tel: +45 3274 5300

© ReFlow ApS 2023 – All rights reserved