ReFlow Platform

ReFlow Platform

Move From Spreadsheets to Dynamic Sustainability Reporting

Our platform provides a dynamic, hands-on solution, to what can often be a confusing place for those unfamiliar with life cycle assessments (LCA).

This is done on a product level utilizing a life cycle assessment (LCA) where the known stages within your product’s life cycle can be added and accounted for.

While this might sound complex, the ReFlow platform guides you through the steps necessary to complete your first product assessment. 

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    Scientific approach

    ISO based scientific approachstandards and Life Cycle Assessment methodology

    By entering what goes into your products, such as material, energy use and transport, for each life cycle stage - ReFlow helps you with the rest!
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    Our easy-to-use platform lets you work with Life Cycle Assessments without necessarily being an engineer.

    At ReFlow, we believe this will help democratize data and help transparency on how companies account for their carbon emissions.
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    ReFlow Platform

    Getting supplier data can be challenging.

    With ReFlow, you can invite your suppliers into the platform. Your suppliers can then share their own calculations with you, while being able to choose which data to share.

Unsure About a Calculation?

Hands-on assistance

With a simple request we can provide hands-on assistance with calculations and ensure the assessments made are as accurate as possible.

More than just a too

We do this through our team of expert environmental engineers who are ready to consult you where you need it most, and answer any questions you might have about your calculations. In this way our platform becomes more than just a tool and closer to that of a digital liaison.

Assessment summary

At the end of every product assessment an assessment summary is available giving an overview of your products entire emissions. This is also available to users as a document validated by our specialists and approved by a member of our engineering team.

Become a Pioneer–Enhance Your Commercial Value

Value Network

Our solution eases the strain behind sharing and distributing the product data of your choosing - throughout your value chain. This facilitates close and valuable collaboration between all partners within your supply chain network allowing you to make important, data-driven decisions.

Become more transparent

With the power to share component attribute emissions among stakeholders, companies can become more transparent with their emissions data and avoid greenwashing within their industries. Sharing emissions documentation makes your data actionable and can further promote global change through participation in the circular economy.

Enhance commercial value

Our science based solution can help companies enhance commercial value, under an environmental lens, and unlock data essential in reaching international and private decarbonization targets. This invaluable reporting can cater not only to future customer demands, but industry standards and regulations as well.

Stop spending time on traditional life cycle assessments - Save time by analyzing and digitizing your processes with ReFlow!

Looking for more information? Contact us below.

Our Partners

Our lifecycle-based environmental quantification system makes it easy to calculate, document, and share environmental performance data of products. We remove the complexity around LCA-based calculations and make it possible for users with just basic product knowledge to make advanced calculations.

ReFlow ApS

Bryggervangen 55, 1. th.
2100 København Ø
CVR: 39843870

Tel: +45 3274 5300

© ReFlow ApS 2022 – All rights reserved