New Partnership with Renotronic

WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE that we have joined forces with Renotronic on a pilot project to test electronic equipment as part of circular maintenance setup on the ReFlow Platform.

Despite the corona crisis, we have managed through virtual meetings to partner up with Rentronic. The Esbjerg-based company is fully engaged in circular maintenance and provides remanufacturing and life extension services for electronics. Electronics include up to 50 different types of chemical elements, and with Renotronic’s aim of decreasing electronically waste, their work is fully in line with our commitment to SDG 12: Sustainable production and consumption.

For the next 6 months, Renotronic and a number of ship owners will use the platform for their electronics, to harvest the benefits of traceability, transparency and digitally increase the quality of circular maintenance.

Do you want to know more about the new partnership?

Rasmus Elsborg-Jensen
Founder & CEO, ReFlow Maritime